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Beyond Settlements: T+1’s Ripple Effect on Securities Lending
3 min read

How T+1 Could Transform Securities Lending and Borrowing

The impending shift to a T+1 settlement cycle in the securities market is poised to introduce significant changes, not just in how trades are settled, but also in the nuanced realms of securities lending and borrowing. This transition, marking a move from the traditional T+2 to a more rapid T+1 settlement period, holds the promise of enhancing market liquidity, reducing counterparty risk, and potentially increasing the volume of securities lending transactions. However, this evolution is not without its challenges. This blog post delves into the transformative impact of T+1 on securities lending and borrowing, highlighting both the burgeoning opportunities and the obstacles that lie ahead.

Opportunities Unlocked by T+1

Increased Market Efficiency and Liquidity: The move to T+1 aims to make the securities market more efficient. Faster settlement times mean quicker turnovers, which could lead to increased liquidity in the securities lending market. Lenders and borrowers would benefit from the rapid availability of securities, facilitating smoother transaction flows and potentially leading to more lending opportunities.

Reduced Counterparty Risk: A shorter settlement cycle naturally diminishes the window of exposure to counterparty risk. In securities lending, where transactions involve the temporary transfer of ownership, the reduced time frame between trade execution and settlement minimizes the risk of default by either party. This enhanced security could encourage more participants to engage in securities lending, fostering a more vibrant market.

Operational Cost Savings: T+1 could lead to significant operational cost savings for participants in the securities lending market. With transactions settling faster, the administrative and holding costs associated with longer settlement periods could decrease. These savings could be particularly beneficial for borrowers who rely on securities lending for short-selling and other strategies, making these activities more cost-effective.

Potential Hurdles in the Transition to T+1

Adjustment of Existing Systems and Processes: To accommodate the accelerated settlement cycle, firms engaged in securities lending and borrowing will need to overhaul their current systems and processes. This adjustment will require significant investment in technology and operational upgrades, posing a challenge, particularly for smaller market participants.

Increased Operational Demands: The transition to T+1 will likely increase the operational demands on participants in the securities lending market. The need for faster decision-making, quicker turnaround on collateral management, and more prompt reconciliation processes could strain existing operational capacities, necessitating enhancements in automation and efficiency.

Regulatory and Compliance Implications: As the securities lending market adjusts to T+1, regulatory and compliance frameworks may also need to evolve. Firms will need to navigate these changes carefully to ensure they remain compliant while optimizing their lending and borrowing strategies. The adaptation to new regulatory requirements could pose a hurdle during the transition period.

Navigating the Transition

To successfully navigate the transition to T+1 in securities lending and borrowing, firms should consider the following strategies:

  • Invest in Technology: Leveraging advanced technology solutions can help manage the increased operational demands and ensure efficient processing of transactions within the shortened settlement cycle.
  • Enhance Risk Management Practices: Firms should refine their risk management frameworks to account for the reduced exposure window, adapting collateral management and liquidity planning practices accordingly.
  • Stay Informed on Regulatory Changes: Active engagement with regulators and industry bodies will be crucial to staying ahead of compliance requirements and contributing to the shaping of supportive regulatory frameworks.


Increased Market Efficiency and financial LiquidityThe transition to T+1 presents a watershed moment for the securities lending and borrowing market, heralding opportunities for increased liquidity, efficiency, and reduced risks. However, the path to fully realizing these benefits is paved with operational and regulatory challenges that require proactive management. By investing in the right strategies and technologies, market participants can turn these challenges into opportunities, setting the stage for a more dynamic and resilient securities lending market in the T+1 era.